Friday, February 26, 2010

The contradiction of choice

So I'm 6+months pregnant.

Stand by for canned responses.... here goes:
yes! Thanks! its a boy, june 7, we've picked a name, but not sharing just yet, I'm feeling good, nope no wierd cravings, very lucky, yes, feeling the kicking, very cool!

Anyhow, I'm quickly discovering all that I wasn't prepared for, and the baby isn't even here yet.  Case in point: registering.  Holy cow.  In my estimation there are 3 phases to the registry process, and some of these have pre-phases as well.

Pre-phase 1...First, I asked a premo organized mom friend of mine to help me register.  This turned to be a very good idea.  The first thing she did was send me registry homework.  This should have been my first warning sign.  A 8 page checklist from the big box baby store to prime me for registering, which I reviewed, and then promptly showed up at our pre-registry-planning-lunch-date (yes, she's very organized) wondering what it was we needed to do besides show up at the store and have fun with that scan gun I so enjoyed when I was registering for my wedding.

Phase 1: The pre-registry-planning-lunch-date:
Well, an hour later I realized the pre-registry planning lunch date was an important first step to prep work.  I learned that not only do I need an infant travel system but I also need a convertible car seat that change to a booster for the post infant months.  And, better get two of those, because, well, we've got two cars.  But be sure to also get a jogger stroller for outdoor walks in the park because that infant travel system which, for those who don't know like me, is composed of an infant car seat and and stroller, isn't well constructed for outdoor manuvering.  I won't bore you with 30 other examples, hopefully you get my drift.

On to phase 2: Actually going to the store..wait no, there's really a pre-phase 2.  My very wise and organized friend smartly suggested we grab dinner at 4:30 before heading to the store.  I'm thinking, well its early for dinner, but I'm pregnant and always up for a meal!  Thank goodness because little did I realized we would leave said store until 8 that night, but I won't get ahead of myself....  So note, pre-phase 2 should consist of eating, and while you're at it, pee too! 

Now, on to phase 2.

At the store it all starts innocently enough.  They take your contact info, give you the 8 page checklist in case you haven't done your pre-registry-planning-lunch-date (see notes under phase 1), and some coupons and loyalty card stuff that put in you a good mood.  Then you start at the first section, and ... wait, how many baby monitors do I have to pick from? what's the difference? video/audio/range? do they conflict with my wireless signal? ... 20 minutes later... make a decision.  Whew! Okay, staying positive, what's next? Some bibs, cute!, some bottles, bathing things... starting to feel competent again, then wham.  Car seats. There's ten to pick from? what's the pricing difference? I need to know my travel system choice first? two bases or two car seats? what's the weight maximum on that one? wait let me check... and so on.  So, picture this roller coaster of hope, confusion, anxiety, dispair, resolution, and decision occuring over and over and over again: strollers, cribs, pack n plays, carriers.  Unreal.  Phase 2 sucked.

On to phase 3.

Phase 3: I shall call this Reviewing, Tweaking, Finalizing.  I liked this phase, for one, I could do a lot of it sitting down!  I went online and started looking at reviews for my choices.  I checked in with a few other moms. I took my husband (who was so LUCKY I didn't drag him through phase 2) to review major selections.  Did some tweaking, and started feelin okay about my choices.  And for some reason, this translated into a feeling that yes, I can select items for my child, so yes, I will not be a horrible mother (preganancy hormones really are great)

All in all, its done.  My biggest learning, convert phase 3 into phase 1 and the suck-ing quotient of phase 2 would have gone down a bit.  But it was a big relief to check registering off my list.  Now a few more little deicisons like daycare, pediatrician, birth plan...  at some point I should start reading about what I need to know once the baby is born!

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